
Engcom (/enj’com/) is a Python package for engineering computing.


The package is available from PyPI and can be installed or updated with

pip install engcom --upgrade

Installing LaTeX for Publishing PDF Files

To publish code files to PDF format, a LaTeX installation is required. We recommend TeX Live.

Basic Usage

Getting Data Sets


Creating Tufte-Style Plots


Publishing Code

You can publish your Python scripts (.py) and Jupyter notebooks (.ipynb) via the Publication class. For scripts, it is best to break your code down into cells via the “percent format” so the output is interleaved with the code.

It can be used from within the file to be published, call it as follows:

# %% This is a code cell
x = 3

# %% [markdown]
# Here is a Markdown cell with some math: $x = 4$.

# %% Another code cell

# %% [markdown]
## Here Is a Header
# And some regular text.

# %% Another code cell
x**3 + 1

# %% tags=["active-py"]
# This cell will not appear in the output due to its tag
import engcom
pub = engcom.Publication(title="A Title", author="Your Name")

This publishes a pdf file pub.pdf that appears as follows:

A published pdf file.

Alternatively, the last cell could be left off and another file could be used to publish it:

import engcom
pub = engcom.Publication(
    source_filename="", title="A Title", author="Your Name"

Finally, a third alternative is to use the publish CLI from a terminal window:

publish pdf --title "A Title" --author "Your Name"

In this example, we have used the "pdf" output for publishing. This requires LaTeX to be installed. Alternatively, "docx" could be used to create a Microsoft Word document. Finally, Markdown "md" and LaTeX "tex" can be used if you would like to include the published file in another document.


Error: pdflatex not found

RuntimeError: Pandoc died with exitcode "47" during conversion: pdflatex not found. Please select a different --pdf-engine or install pdflatex

If you haven’t yet, make sure LaTeX is installed. If LaTeX is installed, the issue is probably that pdflatex is not available in the PATH environment variable in your default shell.

If you are using Spyder, the IPython console may not use your default shell PATH.

  • Windows: Add the directory containing pdflatex (e.g., C:\texlive\2023\bin\windows) to your user PATH. Here are directions for adding an environment variable.

  • Linux/macOS: Open Spyder, open Preferences > IPython console > Startup and enter the following in the Lines box:

    import os; os.environ['PATH']+=':<directory with pdflatex>'

    On macOS, you can use /usr/local/bin and create a symlink there to the pdflatex directory (e.g. ln -s /Library/TeX/texbin/pdflatex /usr/local/bin/). To discover the current PATH recognized by IPython in Spyder type !echo $PATH into the Console.